High Bickington and Atherington Repair Cafe

  1. Repair items for free
  2. Help people learn how to repair & maintain their own items
  3. Get advice on repairs & guidance getting spare parts
  4. Provide a social venue for repairs & encourage a ‘mend-it’ mentality
  5. Promote recycling & prevent so many items going to landfill
  • Next Meeting
    Next Meeting The Repair Cafe will next be meeting at Atherington Pavilion this Saturday 6th April. Bring your repairs between 10:00am and 1:00pm.
  • Next Meeting
    Having a Christmas break and the next Repair Cafe will be on 3rd February 2024
  • Next Meeting
    Pre Christmas Repair Cafe will be meeting in High Bickington on Saturday 2nd December. Check out those decorations and get the Christmas lights working!